Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I really hate "LOL" it is something that just bugs me when I see it. Really, are people really laughing out loud or are they laughing in their head? For me, I usually think "that's funny", but never LOL.

So... I'm going to improve my dislike of LOL - I'm going to blog about things that make me LOL. Kind of like the Picture of the Day (which I've been slacking on...) - this will be my LOL of the Day. Not chuckle or giggle or laugh in my head moments but really LOL.

I think it will help me appreciate the things and people who do make me LOL.. it'll be fun to remember those moments as I'm blogging about them, but to also be able to look back and laugh again - hopefully LOL. It's the scrapbooker in me...

Today: our neighbor/friend's 3 year old son was making me LOL but I can't remember what he said. Oh, and yesterday our other neighbor's 3 year old son totally mooned us - that was definitely an LOL moment.

Starting tomorrow I'll remember the details...