Saturday, November 21, 2009


Ok - I've tried to like LOL but I just can't. I even try to think of things that make me LOL but I still don't like it.

So I've changed it to a BOISTEROUS HOOT. I'll now start blogging about things that make me give a boisterous hoot or BH as I'm now calling it.

Today's BH: while giving Cash a bath in the bathtub today he slipped and fell - splashing water everywhere but instead of getting up he decided that he liked laying down and having the water spray down on him. He looked so cute laying in the tub with the shampoo bubbles everywhere. Definitely my dog !! and I love him !!

Friday, November 6, 2009

I was talking to a friend today about blogs and realized I haven't posted on my blog for a long time. So much for the "what made me LOL today" and my "picture of the day". So I'm recommitting to do these everyday. Ok maybe not every day, I can't even diet for a day straight so I'm going to take this easy and say more often? Yep, more often..

I can't think of anything that really made me LOL but the day isn't over yet. I do chuckle (and maybe LOL just a little) at the conversations we have at our desks. I should really start writing down the subjects we talk about. Today, at lunch (while drinking a big ass Margarita) we talked about about a woman who has two vaginas and the pros and cons of having two vaginas (poor Riley) and then went on to talk about playing games w/family. Wow two vaginas....

Anyway, I'll post my picture later since I haven't actually taken one yet. I do have my camera so that's a step closer. I didn't say I was going to recommit RIGHT NOW - I have to ease into these things.

On an earlier post I had a list of things that I wanted to do - I must have been really bored or unnaturally motivated that day. Let's see: I still suck at my guitar, I just barely remember to dust it off; I printed a whole bunch of pics and scrapbooked half a page - well not really scrapbooked it - I kinda got a few things together and then got bored; my Nikon still intimidates me - I really do need to learn how to take a great pictures of my black dog; I do exercise but need to do it more often; I've lost a little weight; I've sorta played w/my pics on PSE7; Hunter and I have started playing racquetball.

OK, I suck at following through on things I want to do.. I should work on it, but I won't. At least, I'm honest.. sorta..

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I really hate "LOL" it is something that just bugs me when I see it. Really, are people really laughing out loud or are they laughing in their head? For me, I usually think "that's funny", but never LOL.

So... I'm going to improve my dislike of LOL - I'm going to blog about things that make me LOL. Kind of like the Picture of the Day (which I've been slacking on...) - this will be my LOL of the Day. Not chuckle or giggle or laugh in my head moments but really LOL.

I think it will help me appreciate the things and people who do make me LOL.. it'll be fun to remember those moments as I'm blogging about them, but to also be able to look back and laugh again - hopefully LOL. It's the scrapbooker in me...

Today: our neighbor/friend's 3 year old son was making me LOL but I can't remember what he said. Oh, and yesterday our other neighbor's 3 year old son totally mooned us - that was definitely an LOL moment.

Starting tomorrow I'll remember the details...

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

When I was on my way to work this morning my car broke down on me.

I was able to get to the side of the road and sort of out of traffic. Lane was at work and wasn't able to come get me but my brother in law (Dale) came and pulled my car home. I hated it, ugh.. talk about stressful. Fortunately, traffic wasn't bad and it was a short ride home. My mom had to take me to work.

I was expecting the worst - tons of money to fix it. It turns out that a wire had come loose - it only took Lane maybe 2 seconds to find and fix it. Whew.. I don't think I can spend anymore money on vehicles.

Monday, June 29, 2009

I'm tired: I had a busy day at work - fought through traffic to get to the hair salon - got my hair colored and cut - came home - ate - took a bath - and now settling in to veg and read a book. I should do dishes, clean my kitchen. But I really don't feel like it. If I close my eyes maybe it'll clean itself up... didn't work. It'll have to wait until tomorrow..

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Picture a day

A few days ago I started taking at least a picture a day (yesterday it was over 200 pictures) and had meant to post them to the blog - but haven't gotten around to it.

Stacey has been posting her pictures and it's fun to see the pictures she takes - so I'm going to start posting them today and will hopefully start scrappin' again.

Here's a (really boring) picture of our new T.V. - yes, I'm being a dork but it's been a long time since we've had a new one and this screen seems HUGE !! I do need to hide the cords...

Monday, June 15, 2009

I have no idea..

I have no idea what to do/write on this blog.. so here are the things I'm going to do and write about:

Learn my guitar
Learn how to use my Nikon D80
Up my exercise
Lose weight
Play with my pictures on PSE7
Find fun things to do with Hunter

Ok.. so here they are.. my goals.. in writing..

....... starting tomorrow......

Monday, May 18, 2009


How much of their childhoods do people remember? How much of their adult lives do they remember? Do they remember everything about their children's milestones?

I don't.

I don't remember alot about my childhood. I remember my parents fighting - but always after we went to bed. I remember having to leave elementary school during recess to hide the mail so my dad wouldn't see it. I remember going camping but my mom staying in the trailer to cook and clean; my dad fishing with his mom and brothers; and my brother and I going on hikes with our cousins. I remember Christmases were so great - my mom worked a 2nd job to pay for the presents - and my dad always made sure it was special for us. Except the time he left my mom on Christmas eve - but I don't remember why but I do remember he came back for Christmas.

There are some things I remember but may blog about it sometime in the future when I'm ready. Sometimes, I wonder: what am I hiding from? is there something there to hide from? I didn't have the best childhood but why don't I remember most of it? Why do I only remember flashes here and there. Is this normal? Are most people like this?

I don't even remember alot about Hunter's milestones - I remember the day he walked but not when he lost his first tooth.

Sometimes memories will poke through but not stay long enough for me to remember details. It's like waking from a dream but not remembering what happened but the feelings of the dream are still there.

I tease about living in denial - but is this healthy? Do I even know? or am I analysing this too much? or maybe I'm getting close to "that time of the month" and being melancholy.

But it has always concerned me. I don't think it's normal. Maybe blogging will help me work through some of this. If not, maybe I'll see a therapist. But I can't see going to someone who's title (if separated) is the rapist. I kind of see it as "raping" someone's mind and emotions. I'm not sure I'll ever be ready for that.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Welcome to our life - Lane, Jana, and Hunter. The joys of reading about us will include my favorite dog in the whole wide ever (Cash), and the sweetest ding dong dog ever (Bogey). I also want to warn friends and family that any thing they do could and will be used on my blog. I'm just sayin'....

The "Live Loud" is more accurate to Lane and Hunter. I'm a little more quiet - but not much more. They know how to have fun and live life alot better than I do. But I learn from them everyday - I hope they also learn from me.